

Oculus Riftでメーヴェを作ろう(7) Unity free版でもOculus開発が可能に!

Unityの公式blogでUnity free版でもOculus Riftの開発が出来るようになると報告がありました! 今まではpro版が必要で、そのコストも16万円と個人にはかなり高価だったので、これはビッグニュース!

Unity公式blog http://blogs.unity3d.com/2014/09/20/expanded-oculus-rift-support-in-unity/

That means whether you’re using the free version of Unity or Unity Pro, you’ll be able to create awesome VR experiences for the Oculus Rift and the Oculus VR Store for free!


The Oculus add-on will include stereo imaging optimizations, 3D audio support, deeper Unity editor integration, inclusion of the Oculus Rift in the Unity development and debugging workflow, integration of Oculus-specific APIs within Unity, and direct publishing to the Oculus platform.


To that end, we’re working with Oculus to make the current Oculus plug-in, one that has been available for free for Unity Pro users, also available for those making games with the free version of Unity. This new plugin version will be made available for free download on the Oculus developer site as soon as possible.

さらに、現行のOculusが出してるUnityプラグインも、Unity free版で使えるようになるとのこと。 いまコレ使ってるから、まずはコレを待ちかな。ASAPらしいけどいつだろう、、?楽しみ!

無料のOVR agentにいくつか不都合があり、先日からUnity proの1か月体験版を始めたとこ。 Maker Faire Tokyoまで持たないからpro版購入を覚悟してただけに、これは嬉しい!